Bespoke Web Portals

Tailored Portal Development - our portals mean better integration, reduced your costs, improved processes and efficiency. In short, they give you a real commercial advantage.

Developing business to business web portals is Web Portal Solutions’ core skill. Whatever size your project, we offer pretty much anything, and everything involved in the development of online applications. You can come to us for the complete development, or just the parts you need. So, if you are looking for a fresh, forward thinking, results driven team to deliver a portal, then you’ve come to the right place.

Why a bespoke portal?

Cheaper. Quicker. Better.
Low cost of ownership
Exactly the functionality you want
Builds on your existing technology

A big systems integrator will charge you £1000 per day for a graduate to sit in the corner, take notes and not say a word. We would never do that. Web Portal Solutions have years of experience, are very hands-on and are great value. And we are very easy to work with.

Off-the-shelf applications are enticing. They seem like a quick win and to offer a lot of functionality. But they have high ongoing licensing costs per user and their functionality is inflexible. You can consider them, but you will be disappointed.

We’ll build you bespoke portal to your specific needs so you will get exactly what you want. Secondly there won’t be any significant ongoing licensing costs. And there will little difference in the total development costs between a bespoke portal and an off-the-shelf system.

Our code library

We are old hands at web portal development. Whatever your business, whatever your requirement, we have done something like it before. We have a huge code library that means that we probably don’t need to write the functionality you need. Because we have already done it.


This is a big subject. Your goal should be to integrate as many of your systems as you can. But is not easy. And that is why Web Portal Solutions are so good at it. Let’s be frank, it takes time and can be expensive. However, the results can transform your business.


Of course, technology is important. But it is not the most important. What is important is that we understand your technology existing investments and your future plans. Our job is to take whatever technology you want to keep and make it work in the real world.


Web Portal Solutions’ industry experience is extensive and varied. We work across many sectors. Whatever, your project we have probably worked on something very similar. And we’ll be able to apply what we have learnt from other projects to your project. And our work is not sector specific, we transfer our experience across sectors. So you get the best practice methods and processes within your industry as well as other sectors.

An example of our work

Check out a portal we developed for TUI. They wanted to consolidate all their accommodation data into a single system from their many different and diverse systems across the world.

Previous projects

We are very proud of our work. Please check out our case studies page. Every client is different but what they all have in common is a great solution, that met their expectations and was delivered on time and within budget.

Web Portal Solutions - Whitasales case study


Wherever you see a rooflight, smoke control vent or roof access hatch in a home, […]

Web Portal Solutions - NHS case study


The NHS and Solutions have a long and successful business relationship. Solutions have been developing websites, intranets […]

Application development

Often, as part of the development of a portal, we’ll develop applications to add the functionality that our customer’s existing software can’t support.

Mobile app development

Of course, our portals work well on mobiles phones. There are always responsive but more and more customers are building mobile apps for their Portal.


Sometimes we are also asked to work on a customer’s intranet and. This will normally happen after the success of our work developing their web portal.

Portal or extranet?

A portal or an extranet? What is the right word? Firstly, we think they are exactly the same thing so whatever you say, we’ll know what you mean.  The word Portal has largely superseded Extranet. Google has 121,000,000 results for Extranet and 4,450,000,000 results for Portal. At Web Portal Solutions, we prefer the term “portal” to “extranet”, it just sounds a bit more accessible, less pretentious. Either way, it makes no difference at all.

Get in touch

We are here to make it easy for you. You will like us. A lot.


0203 1742 575


07411 224 551